Friends of Jackson Park Capital Campaign
Design Lead:
Meredith Bond
Afreen Azad, Meredith Bond
Friends of Jackson Park

Jackson Park has always been a part of the Potrero area in San Francisco since 1912 and has been a great center for the community. It has been able to provide resources and relaxation to the public of Potrero Hill for over 100 years now. The park has maintained its integrity of its location, design, facilities, and the overall feeling. It just needs some updating for athletic court standards, accessibility, safety, and overall refreshment.

Friends of Jackson Park reached out to TBD* to develop a capital campaign identity and applications to raise money to build the park. They also wanted to explore how to use media and new technologies, like videos and AR, to enhance the campaign, as well as focusing on how the identity can be extended into a permanent donor recognition system for the finished park. 

We focused on creating a campaign where local park goers and members of the community could see themselves in the different aspects of the environment. We created a variety of posters, highlighting the numerous activities that are available in the park while adding an interactive element where we would receive people’s input and using handwriting mixed with type to make the campaign feel more personal. In addition to this, for the donor recognition, a personalized baseball card would be given to those who donated and capture a silhouette of themselves with a color scheme of their choosing.